Surprisingly glass is made from sand. Sand is heated to an incredibly high temperature of 1700°C (3090°F) and becomes a clear liquid which when cools a little becomes flexible and malleable and can be formed into different shapes. Glass Blowing was invented by Syrian craftsman in the 1st century BC somewhere along the Syro-Palestinian coast. By the Middle Ages, Venice had become a major centre of glass making
Glass is a generic name, while the crystal is a subcategory of glass; both are made by the same method but with slightly different materials. The main difference between crystal and glass is that crystal glass contains anywhere from 2–30% minerals (lead or lead-free). Historically crystal was viewed as a superior product but these days glass can be of very high quality and at Inkerman, we use tend to use glass as there is no lead content.
Inkerman use the ‘sandblasting’ method to etch glass and crystal.
Sandblasting is a term used to describe the act of propelling very fine bits of material, usually sand, at high-velocity by steam or air to etch a surface leaving a frosted glass appearance. Sand is naturally abrasive and when combined with fast moving air, will wear away at a surface. The longer the sandblasting technique is applied to an area, the more the sand will wear away at the surface and the deeper the cut. Artwork of the etching required (At Inkerman this is usually initials, images, dates, logos etc) is drawn and transfers are made and attached to each piece of glass and the area that needs etching are left clear for the sandblasting.
Engraving is the method of ‘carving’ design onto the surface of metal whether it be initials, dates or logos. At Inkerman, we mainly use the diamond cutting machine method to engrave our products but some products are hand engraved. Hand engraving is an age-old art form using only a small steel graver. The graver is pushed by the palm of the hand to cut through the metal and no machinery is used.
At Inkerman, we use a hot stamping embossing process to personalise our leather goods which is a wonderful way to create a unique and special gift. Tools are used to impress the design into the leather, whether its initials, images, dates or logos. At Inkerman, we have the option of two sizes of capital letters for personal items. For corporate logos, a die is made in brass to the correct size needed and using the hot stamping process this is impressed into the leather product. Embossing can be in silver, gold or ‘blind’ which means no colour.
Inkerman glass products are etched using the sandblasting method which can be washed in the dishwasher. We recommend that items which have been hand carved are washed by hand.
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